Part 8 - Cruise / Before TOD

  • RVSM >> +/- 200ft (FL290 - FL410); Step-climb not more than 150ft; Hourly
  • ENROUTE Charts >> Check and confirm track and MEA
  • FUEL >> Check for balance, temperature (Jet A-1/Jet A = -44degC/-37degC) and quantity; Hourly
  • SYS Synoptic >> Check for any abnormality
  • CFP >> Check Track + Input wind/temp (20deg wind direction or 10kts difference)
  • VR, Tech Log, Fuel Log >> Fill in entries
  • ACARS >> Fuel/PVD/FL, Delay report, others...
  • Keep Departure Charts

Approx. 160nm~200nm to TOD:
  • "A.S. S.W.I.F. L.S.A. A.L.T. R.A."
  • ATIS >> Get latest (PM)
  • Setup >> (1) FMS - ARR + Landing data, (2) DH/MDA, (3) QNH
  • STATUS A/C >> Brief any malfunctions
  • WEATHER >> Destination Aerodrome
  • INTAM/NOTAM >> Destination Aerodrome
  • FUEL >> Sufficient? As plan? Or need divert to alternate?
  • LSALT >> Check
  • STAR >> Brief STAR
  • APPROACH >> Brief ILS/VOR approach plates
  • AUTOBRAKES >> Set 3/4 maybe 2 if RW long enough and not busy
  • LANDING DIST >> Check Landing RW length sufficient?
  • TAXI >> Brief possible taxi route
  • A.L.A.R. >> Go through

Nicosia FIR
  • Jeppesen Text Supplement Volume 2 Enroute Section for IATA Communications/Control Procedures
Johannesburg and across Africa
  • Jeppesen Text Supplement Volume 2 Enroute Section for IATA Inflight Broadcast Procedures
Across Afghanistan
  • Jeppesen Text Supplement Volume 2 ATC Section for State Rules and Procedures
  • Due high terrain/oxygen requirements, via airway A466 or M881 should not be accepted within Kabul FIR
Yangon FIR
  • Jeppesen Text Supplement Volume 2 Enroute Section for IFBP